Strong Greetings

Rock, Paper... People

Copyright: 123RF

Copyright: 123RF

Take a quick look at your desk.  What do you see?

Lots of paperwork? I thought so.  

Chances are, your job involves a lot of both paperwork and phone work, and sometimes the ringing phone feels like an interruption. That feeling can lead to a greeting that sounds rushed or unhelpful, sending your call off to a rocky start.

This week, aim to catch yourself thinking: "Arghhh – the phone is ringing!" and say instead: "Yay, the phone is ringing!" or "I’m gonna rock this!"  Then your greeting will sound professional and friendly, ready to handle anything.

Smile, Breathe, Rock On. You got this!

'Twas the week before Christmas...

Screen Shot 2017-12-15 at 3.28.41 PM.png

Depending on the type of business you are in, things are either really busy and the phones are ringing non-stop, or it's a slow time and many of your co-workers are taking holiday time off.  

Either way, you probably could use a reason to get out of the chair more.  Let's lunge.  No, wait, don't lunge to reach that box of cookies, lunge for movement.   

Why?  Moving improves your cirulation, your breathing and your mood.  

How?  Click here to see how to lunge in the office and in a skirt I might add.  

Lunge now, snack later.

On another note:  Would you like to get WARD CERTIFIED?  Now you can, click here to learn more.


Smile and the World Smiles with You

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Smiling, like yawning, is contagious.

When someone comes into your office, your cube or the company kitchen, look up and smile at them.

Bet they smile back, betcha it goes viral faster than this video of Fiona The Hippo

Tip:  If they don’t, be extra kind.  They might be having a tough day and need a little extra care.

On another note:  Would you like to get WARD CERTIFIED?  Now you can, click here to learn more.

Look familiar?

                   Was this you this morning?

                   Was this you this morning?

Chances are you're feeling a little sluggish today yet your job is to sound upbeat, professional, and caring.
This is the perfect day for the Swivel and Answer and this is how it works... 

When you hear the phone ring, swivel your chair to the left, then back to center, then answer.

Next time the phone rings, swivel your chair to the right, then back to center, then answer.

Do you sense a pattern?  Keep it up.  Keep on swiveling and not only will be you able to button your pants again, you'll also sound more energetic on the phone.

At Ward Certified, we're grateful for elastic pants!

Happy Monday.



Sound available.

Copyright: <a href=''>julief514 / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

You are busy, but you shouldn’t sound busy.

If you slow down and don’t interrupt your caller, they will feel heard, cared for and like you better.

Wow, that’s quite a promise, you say?

But it’s true.  When you fully listen to your caller and act as if they are the most important person in your world (right now), they can feel it.

Choose to speak at a slower pace to indicate you have time for them.  Need help?  Say this tongue twister, “Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascals ran.”  That’s the pace, and nice job with the enunciation!

Choose not to interrupt.  Snap a rubber band on your wrist as a reminder to let them finish their sentence… completely.  Resist the urge to help them along. Just listen.

You know that feeling you get when you help someone?  When they say ‘thank you’ and you know you earned it?  Ya, that feels good and these techniques will help you experience that more often.



If you've ever wanted to get yourself Ward Certified™, now is the time.  Click here to learn more.

Goldilocks Greetings

It’s easy to get wound up during your day and begin to speak more quickly - or to get overwhelmed, stressed or bored and slow way down.  Which sounds more like you?

Today, focus on getting the pace of your greeting just right.

If the pace is too quick, the customer may perceive unintentional frustration or hurriedness. 

If the pace is too slow, the customer may interrupt or feel you are too lethargic or incapable.

Do a pulse check and take a breath if you’re speeding.

Breathe in for the count of 4, hold it for 2, then breathe out for 4.

If your energy is low, try a jumping jack.

Repeat as necessary.

Whoa...slow down...

When we rush our greeting we are sending a message to the caller that they are not that important.

Our pace is saying that we are too busy or unfocused.  But yes, you may be busy but announce that to your callers?

Did you know that if you rush them, they might;

- Escalate the call

- Get tougher to deal with

- Forget important information about why they called   or go looking for another service provider.  

None of these are good!

Try this;

Say the phrase, "A proper copper coffee pot

Move your lips to really clearly ennunciate the words.

How'd you do?

My guess is you did it!  and you did it by slowing down.

This week try saying your greeting at that same pace and see what reaction it inspires from your callers.