Warm up the New Year


We’ve worked through a lot of tips for warming up to your customers, clients, and family. Now let’s bring that new year, new you mentality to the office.

Your coworkers are your team. They deserve warmth too! In fact, a recent study found that those who identify socially at work are healthier mentally. Here’s how you can show them you care:

  1. Be generous with what you know. Share the wealth!

  2. Ask for help when it’s needed. People love to feel useful and wanted.

  3. Return the favor. Remember that humans have reciprocity built in to their bones. Help when you can!

Soon you’ll have an office full of people you can rely on to get the job done and commiserate in New Year’s Resolutions with. 

Warm up your Holidays


Next week it might be easy to slip into old habits and comfortable conversation when you’re at home with family and friends. But what happens when you meet your cousin’s new fiancé? Or want to welcome the new neighbors? The perfect time to practice!

Apply the skills we’ve covered at home. Here’s how to exude warmth in any situation:

  1. Pay attention to those you meet. Eye contact, periodic nods, and smiling shows people you’re listening to them.

  2. Show empathy. Try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes when you meet them.

  3. Be cooperative first. Humans have a natural tendency to help those who help them, and by being nice they are more likely to be nice to us.

Now that you’re the warmth-master, you can take your skills back to the office and start the New Year off right.

Happy Holidays from Ward Certified!

Warm up your tone

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Welcome back to this week’s Ward Winter Warm-up. Today’s tip? Warm up your tone

It’s been proven that varying your tone over the phone can improve the call and bring warmth to the interaction. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Move your muscles. Smile when you speak to lighten the mood.

  2. Pick specific words to emphasize. Imagine yourself saying the most important words in bold font.

  3. Use formally warm words. “You’re welcome” is a lot more inviting than “No problem”.

 Example: Thank you for calling Ward Certified. This is Ann, how may I help you?

Smile, Breathe, and Call on!

Fix the person, then the problem

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Life happens. Depending on your industry, you may have to manage a difficult or emotionally charged situation, like divorce or death. We know, sad stuff…feels terrible, but this is adulting

It’s important to make sure your customer feels taken care of before getting right down to business. 

  1. Listen and allow the customer to vent – for however long it takes.

  2. Express empathy: “I understand this is a difficult time for you, and I’ll do everything in my power to get this done as quickly as possible.”   

Got a hard situation specific to your industry that you need help managing? We can help at ann@wardcertified.com.

It’s not too late! Sign up for our Rock Star Ready 2019 tour!

If one more customer asks...

“Where’s the restroom?”

“How do I apply online?”

So, you’ve answered the same question 1000 times before – maybe even in the same day. It comes with the territory – you are the subject matter ninja, after all. 

To avoid getting frustrated, imagine and treat every customer like they’re the very first to call or walk through the door with that very question. Be enthusiastic, pleasant and helpful!

Or, maybe imagine they’re your grandmother. 

How do you avoid the frustration?

Want more tips? Sign up for our Rock Star Ready 2019 tour!