To-Dos to get To-Done!


Day-in and day-out, any job can begin to feel monotonous. Feel more productive by setting small goals each week. 

This week, create goals that help you develop personally and professionally.

  • Drink 8 glass of water every day this week
  • Cross-train with Linda to learn the new project management system

Give yourself a high-five, you’ve got this!

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Recently handle a difficult customer situation? How did it go?

We get pumped when we handle it well and irritated when we couldn't turn them around. In both cases, we're anxious to tell someone about it.

  • If it was good - Bask in your super skills and share your story so that a colleague can acknowledge, throw flowers at your feet and perhaps learn a trick or technique.

  • If it was bad - Share your experience with the team and see if you can problem solve as a team.

  • If it was ugly - take a moment and let it out. Maybe a quick walk around the building, pop a few squats, squeeze a stress ball, or even vent to a colleague.

Venting is like the whistle on a kettle. It's designed to let you know a boiling point has been reached and it's time to let off steam. It doesn't make other kettles boil and it doesn't whistle for long, in fact, it stops when it is taken off the burner.

So be like a kettle, whistle, and vent when you need too, but then make a cup of tea and find a positive, productive way to cool down.

Got a tough one you can’t solve?  Email us at  We love a challenge.

Bad review? Excellent!

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Look, it’s never easy to receive a bad comment or review. But it’s a great opportunity to make it right. Your review page might be the first place potential customers go to see how you treat customers, so don’t leave negative comments unaddressed.

Personalize responses and let them know

1.     you hear their feedback

2.     you want to make it right

“Hi, Mr. Jimenez, the situation you described sounds frustrating, we’re committed to providing you a more positive experience. Let’s connect so we can make it right.”

Take a moment today to review your company’s Yelp, Facebook, and website to see who’s looking for your assistance.


Empathy as easy as P.I.A.

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Frustrated customers want more than answers, they want to be heard. Here's an easy mnemonic to remember how to help others feel heard.

P: Start with a Power word or phrase. Respond to their complaint with a reaction to acknowledge their concern. Ex: Oh no, Oh my

I: Add an I statement. Ex: I'm sorry to hear that, I get why you're confused, I can appreciate your frustration. This makes the conversation personal and the creates a personal connection.  

A: Follow that up with Assurance that you are going to make things right. Ex: Here's what I can I do, let me research

Let's put it all together! Ex: Oh no, I see that is a bigger bill than usual.  I can see why you’re concerned.  Let’s take a look and see what we can do to make that amount manageable.

Next time you get an upset caller, Mama Mia, use PIA!

Witty Words

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When you're in the Customer Service business, and we all are, words matter.  It's not just what the customer hears; it's also what they read.   

Here are some examples of how other companies have replaced mundane words with witty ones.   

  • A reserved table at a restaurant with a place card that reads Sorry Gorgeous, I'm taken.
  • A do not disturb sign on a hotel room that says I'm tied up at the moment.
  • A dressing room hanger with the words You look great in that. 
  • An email sign off that reads Rock on.

What can you switch up today to make their day?

But it's URGENT!!!

Copyright: 123rf

Copyright: 123rf

Your clients and customers need a reason to open your emails.

Chances are, your customers’ inboxes lead to them looking a little like this: overwhelmed.

Being specific about the content of an email message determines not only whether your readers will open it, but how they prioritize and file that message.

But wait, what did you say?  You use ALL CAPS or !!! or URGENT to indicate it’s high priority?

If that’s your company or team norm and everyone agrees, then go for it. 

Otherwise, If you are emailing a client, I’d recommend using a focused subject line.
Instead of Update, say: Project XYZ Update
Instead of Meeting, say: Room Change for Today’s 2pm Status Meeting

What's your favorite email subject tip?