Yes, that's the reaction I was expecting.
Last week's post about putting on your positive pants received a lot of great feedback so I thought I'd share more tips from Jane McGonigal.
Tip #3: Emotional Resilience
Looking at pictures of baby animals changes your frame of mind in an instant. Didn't you have a reaction when you saw the seal pup? We added this picture but it'd be a good idea to have a picture at your desk of something or someone that makes you smile.
Tip #4: Social Resilience
We need human connection. Find someone and shake hands for 6 seconds. This positive, personal interaction is said to increase oxytocin in the brain and make you feel better.
Now you have all four resilience tips from Jane: Physical, Mental, Social and Emotional. And yes, there's an app for that:
Choose the one that you need when you need it and send me (well, Karen, actually) a picture of your favorite baby animal.