Q: Customers today are tougher to deal with because:
1. The age of the internet has made all of us more impatient?
2. The ease of a google search has made us more aware of competition, options and ratings?
3. Our Fitbit encourages us to keep moving at a faster pace?
A: All of the above
Our fast paced world has made us more impatient. Opportunities for service using chat, text and FAQs have made us less likely to want to talk to a human and more likely to sound tough.
What’s a CSR to do?
Take a deep breath, say your mantra and speak with confidence. When you sound confident, they’ll feel reassured and you’ll be in control.
A special shout-out goes to our new friends at Lawley. Here's an article we thought you'd enjoy based on our great exclamation point discussion. We liked the quote, "Don't ask punctuation to do a word's job, it dilutes your message, makes you look unprofessional, and leaves you with nowhere to go when you actually do need an exclamation mark." For the full article, click here.