Are you a Parks and Rec fan?

I've been recommending that we all do squats in the office every hour.  I'm pleased to hear [and witness in some offices] that so many of you are doing them.

Here's my new favorite idea.   Lunges.  

In case you missed Parks and Rec last week...

This DOES call for some celebratory lunges. #ParksandRec.

...and it's not just my favorite line because it was Rob Lowe who suggested them.

I loved hearing the line on the show because, (1) it gets us moving and a lunge has many of the same blood-pumped, forced-breathing, leg-moving attributes that a squat does and (2) it's a celebration vs. a punishment.

It's Canadian Thanksgiving today - that does call for some celebratory lunges!


Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends and family!