First days can be tricky...

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WhatsApp Image 2018-05-14 at 17.18.27.jpeg

No matter how excited a new employee is for their first day, they're probably going to come home overwhelmed.

How can we maintain and grow their enthusiasm?

Tip #2: Have other team members show them around

While anyone can show them the basics, only a peer will know which option is the best in the cafeteria, which copy machine acts up, and whether or not to bring a sweater to meetings in the new conference room. Break the ice by breaking down the barriers between the "newbie" and those that know their stuff.

Do you remember your first day on the job?

Want more Teambuilding tips? Check out our Program of the Month here.

All aboard!

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Copyright: 123rf

Onboarding a new team member can be hard to do. As workplaces change, the way we bring new coworkers into the office should change as well.

Over the next few weeks, we'll go over 3 Ways to Make a New Coworker Feel like Part of the Team.

Tip #1: Let them join you for lunch.

During their first week, take a chance to get to know them when not working. By finding out more about their background, you might even learn more about how their skills can be most useful in a future project!

It's June, which means we have a new Program of the Month: Check out Teambuilding with Style.

How would you like your Feedback?

Copyright: 123rf

Copyright: 123rf

How do you like your feedback?

  • Once a year
  • Once a quarter
  • Once a week
  • Once a day
  • More than once a day

Another difference across the generations is how often we like feedback.

  • For Traditionalists (70 years+), no news is good news.
  • For Boomers (55 years+), if it helps with job performance, status or promotion, then let me know.
  • For Gen X (35-55 years), more frequent feedback is better and explain WHY the preferred way is preferred.
  • Millennials (under 35 in the workplace) were raised on constant feedback and yes, it was mostly positive.  They were set up for success with opportunities for do-overs, rails on their bowling lanes, markers that didn’t color outside the lines.  This is good news!  They are open to fast, to-the-point feedback.

My favorite tool for instructions and feedback is using the SMART method.  To read more about the impact, read this Forbes article.

Bottom line, give Millennials quick pats on the back and meaningful feedback.  It helps them learn and helps you engage and retain them.

Want to learn more about Managing the Mix? Check out our Program of the Month here.

"He Who Dies With the Most Toys Wins"


Do you remember that bumper sticker? 
If you do, you’re a Baby Boomer, and I’m glad you are reading this!

The rules have changed! It’s not about share price and income for your Millennial team members.

For them, it’s about making a difference, moving up, and making it home for dinner by 5pm.

We were told “Get a job”.
They were told “Get a job you love”.

So, if you have Millennials working with you, help them love their job.  Help them understand how they fit into the company, how their work serves a bigger purpose and how they can move up.

Want to know more about Managing the Mix? It's our Program of the Month! Check it out here.

R. E. S. P. E. C. T.

We tend to get so focused on what our team or department is doing that we forget about the bigger picture. 

Often there is awesome work happening in another team that impacts or improves what you are working on, and we owe it some RESPECT.

Try this: Swap 10.

Ask another team for 10 minutes on their calendar. Show up and present a key initiative your team is struggling with, a challenge you face, or a goal you are close to meeting. 

Give them 10 minutes on your agenda to do the same.

Chances are, you will learn from each other and maybe help solve each other’s challenges.  At the very least, you will certainly increase respect for each other’s workload and process.

Bonus tip:  Ask someone on your team to do the presentation to build their skills and enhance their image. 

Want more Ward Certified? Check out our program of the month: Managing the Mix.

Managing the Mix

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A millennial walks into your office...

Did you just roll your eyes? 

Chances are, you have heard the myths about Millennials and you might even have a story or two of your own.  I get it, I know it’s easy to assume you know what they are going to say or do and judge it before it even happens.

The truth is, you don’t know what they are going to say.  So do yourself, your company and the Millennial a favor and STOP, DROP and DON’T ROLL your eyes. Listen instead.

Millennials value being heard and can help you innovate and adapt to the new pace of change.  They see the world differently than you do.  So do your customers.
Embrace this opportunity and collaborate.

Want to learn more about the shifting workplace? Check out our program of the month, Managing the Mix.

Featured Product of the Month...

This year's Spring Equinox Google Doodle

This year's Spring Equinox Google Doodle

Despite what some weather patterns may say, Spring has officially sprung. And soon you'll be talking more about A/C plans and A/C units and less about heating products and services.

IdeaFeatured Product of the Month

  • This May, take pictures of the products and units you are selling, enlarge them and post them for all to see.
  • Add notes on the features and benefits of that product
    •  Write them out in "winning phrases," so in a pinch everyone can talk knowledgeably about the product.

Having the visual helps the team focus and work together towards the goal.

Tip: Having trouble getting a big pic of the unit you are selling?  Contact the manufacturer, I'm sure they'd love to help!