"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." - Mark Twain
Don't wait for someone else to make your day. Make theirs then enjoy the feeling.
Happy almost-Fourth-of-July!
It’s that time of year when the boss gets to wear an apron and BBQ burgers for the team, right? (Psst! If you’re not planning a summer event for your team, you should – nudge, nudge!)
Often we book those company outings looking at the corporate calendar vs. people’s calendars. Then we wonder why attendance is low.
This year, plan the dates before you plan the activity. Use software like Doodle to get buy-in on the date and time, then plan away.
Tip: By the way, volunteering is a great way to build teamwork, make Gen X's and Gen Y's happy, and help the world.
P.S.- You can buy that apron on etsy.
P.P.S.- Happy July! Check out our new Program of the Month: Presenting with Impact.
The Rat Race
"The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." -Lily Tomlin
If you are doing work that you believe adds no value to yourself or others, it is easy to become frustrated or demotivated.
Take a moment and think about your goals and values. Then consider how what you do in your day supports (or doesn't support) those values.
For example:
If you value good health, making the time to exercise is a good connection.
If you value kindness, making time to listen to customers and colleagues is a good fit.
Make a list of your top 5-10 values. Think about those as you go through your day.
Seeing the big picture can make it easier to put up with the little irritations.
Want more Ward Certified? Check out our Program of the Month: Teambuilding with Style.
"He Who Dies With the Most Toys Wins"
Do you remember that bumper sticker?
If you do, you’re a Baby Boomer, and I’m glad you are reading this!
The rules have changed! It’s not about share price and income for your Millennial team members.
For them, it’s about making a difference, moving up, and making it home for dinner by 5pm.
We were told “Get a job”.
They were told “Get a job you love”.
So, if you have Millennials working with you, help them love their job. Help them understand how they fit into the company, how their work serves a bigger purpose and how they can move up.
Want to know more about Managing the Mix? It's our Program of the Month! Check it out here.
R. E. S. P. E. C. T.
We tend to get so focused on what our team or department is doing that we forget about the bigger picture.
Often there is awesome work happening in another team that impacts or improves what you are working on, and we owe it some RESPECT.
Try this: Swap 10.
Ask another team for 10 minutes on their calendar. Show up and present a key initiative your team is struggling with, a challenge you face, or a goal you are close to meeting.
Give them 10 minutes on your agenda to do the same.
Chances are, you will learn from each other and maybe help solve each other’s challenges. At the very least, you will certainly increase respect for each other’s workload and process.
Bonus tip: Ask someone on your team to do the presentation to build their skills and enhance their image.
Want more Ward Certified? Check out our program of the month: Managing the Mix.
Featured Product of the Month...
This year's Spring Equinox Google Doodle
Despite what some weather patterns may say, Spring has officially sprung. And soon you'll be talking more about A/C plans and A/C units and less about heating products and services.
Idea: Featured Product of the Month
- This May, take pictures of the products and units you are selling, enlarge them and post them for all to see.
- Add notes on the features and benefits of that product
- Write them out in "winning phrases," so in a pinch everyone can talk knowledgeably about the product.
Having the visual helps the team focus and work together towards the goal.
Tip: Having trouble getting a big pic of the unit you are selling? Contact the manufacturer, I'm sure they'd love to help!
Happy Work Place - Pt. 3
Here's our third tip.
Tip #3: Focus Employees find it very hard to focus on one task at a time. However, those who can are 50% more in engaged.
Putting it into practice: Emphasize prioritization. Create a fun system to label those tasks most urgent or important. Needs to be done today? Add three silly emojis after the request.
What do you do to take the prickle out of prioritization?