Featured Product of the Month...

This year's Spring Equinox Google Doodle

This year's Spring Equinox Google Doodle

Despite what some weather patterns may say, Spring has officially sprung. And soon you'll be talking more about A/C plans and A/C units and less about heating products and services.

IdeaFeatured Product of the Month

  • This May, take pictures of the products and units you are selling, enlarge them and post them for all to see.
  • Add notes on the features and benefits of that product
    •  Write them out in "winning phrases," so in a pinch everyone can talk knowledgeably about the product.

Having the visual helps the team focus and work together towards the goal.

Tip: Having trouble getting a big pic of the unit you are selling?  Contact the manufacturer, I'm sure they'd love to help!