Last but not Least...

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The final characteristic of a happy workplace:

Tip #4: Purpose With a driving goal employees are more than three times as likely to stay with their companies.

Putting it into practice: Make it simple! Have a meeting to confirm the significance of the work each employee does then post the company's purpose- in clear and straightforward language- in a public space in the office.

How do you make sure everyone knows they're needed?

Happy Work Place - Pt. 3

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Here's our third tip.

Tip #3: Focus Employees find it very hard to focus on one task at a time. However, those who can are 50% more in engaged.

Putting it into practice: Emphasize prioritization. Create a fun system to label those tasks most urgent or important. Needs to be done today? Add three silly emojis after the request.

What do you do to take the prickle out of prioritization?

Happy Workplaces Pt. 2

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Welcome back to our April series on happy workplaces! Here's the second tip.

Tip #2: Value Employees reported in a survey of thousands that those who felt their supervisors were supportive were more likely to stay with the organization AND be more engaged.

Putting it into practice: Remember that every member of your team is important and needed for the work they do. Then let them know that when you're discussing tasks and assignments.

It's amazing how far a phrase like, "That last write-up was exactly what we're looking for, keep it up," can go to make someone feel like their work is important.

What do you do to engage your team? 

Dream Job?


Researchers for the New York Times found in a survey of thousands of employees that the jobs that make us the happiest aren't necessarily our dream jobs. Good news, because we can't all work at Black Labs and Coffee incorporated! The research identified 4 key characteristics and we'll share one a week, with examples, for the rest of the month. 

Tip #1: Renewal Taking a break every 1.5 hours is more productive than taking no breaks (or even just a lunch break) during the day, and can raise higher creativity and health levels. 

Putting it into Practice

  • Start a team-wide goal to do three squats every hour.  
  • Encourage people to take lunch.  How?  Be an example and make sure you take lunch.
  • Set a timer at the start of an task.  When the timer buzzer goes off, start a new task or do something physical for 5 minutes then head back to the task.  Oh ya, start the timer again.

Simply breaking the trend of sitting and typing can be useful not just for profits, but for your entire office's well-being. 

Help them, help you...

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This week, Apple announced the launch of these new emojis in an effort to be more accessible and inclusive. 
Why?  Because understanding your audience leads to better connections, better rapport and better productivity.

How do you flex?

You likely have people on your team who are different from you based on generation, gender, communication and learning styles. Rather than speaking louder, how about speaking in a way that makes them want to listen. Speak the way they want to be spoken to.

But shouldn't they flex to meet your needs?  

Yes, a strategic team player or employee knows that they should flex too. You can set the example by showing them how it's done.  

If you want your high-performance vehicle to deliver high-performance results, use high octane fuel.

Give you team the gift of high octane communication.



Wall of WOW!


Is your office as passionate about their work goals as they are about March Madness?

If not, maybe you need to inspire their competitive spirit and pride.

Tip of the week: Create a Wall of WOW.
Make results visual and highlight the importance of customer service and that you value customer feedback given to your own team. Root for your team in the office just like you do on the court.

How? Print out those emails you get from happy customers, enlarge those grateful texts, highlight those survey results and post them on the wall to show off your success. Your team may not be competing to make it to the Final Four, but you can still show off your Sweet Sixteen or Elite Eight amazing examples!

Add even more value by reading those positive messages and outstanding customer feedback at your weekly or monthly meetings. 

Tech tip: Post a copy of your wall online for all to see.

It's March Madness

Setup for the Final Four is already happening in our backyard in San Antonio

Setup for the Final Four is already happening in our backyard in San Antonio

It's officially started! Ever wonder how NBA players prepare for such an important moment in their life?

They practice a lot (that's a huge understatement!) and they practice in environments that simulate the real event. When a team arrives at a venue, they often practice on the court ahead of time to get a feel for the space.

If you are trying to improve performance on your team, don’t just talk about how to handle a tough interaction or presentation. Practice in an environment as close to reality as possible.

  • For customer service interactions, role-play in an escalated tone.
  • For presentations, practice in the boardroom, not your office.
  • For conference calls, practice over the phone.

We look forward to seeing your favorite team (live or fantasy) in San Antonio, home of Ward Certified HQ!