Facetime vs. Face-time


New WFH-ers tend to share a common concern - feeling the need to prove we are working. When we were in the office, everyone could just see that we were working. But now we’re out of sight and worried that we’re out of mind. And we don’t others to think we are just sitting around eating bonbons, wearing pj’s, or binge-watching Netflix. 

 When you think your reputation is in jeopardy do you over-produce and work nonstop, or lean into the negative impression and become a procrastinator?

There’s a third option: Build your Brand.

 Step 1: Choose the image you’d like to have. How would you like your team or your boss to describe you? Write that down.

 Step 2: Work on the right things. Each morning, identify your top priorities and verify that list with the person or team you report to. Tip: A check-in call with the camera on is a powerful tool for getting that face-time.

 Step 3: Manage expectations. Be honest with yourself about your actual work hours. When you were in the office, how much time did you actually spend sitting and working- without interruption? It probably wasn't as much as you think. 

 Step 4: Be realistic with your focus and productivity. Sitting at your desk (or your kitchen table, your couch, etc.) for 3 hours straight is not a healthy habit and isn’t getting you as far along as you think. Work in bursts of 20-45 minutes then get up and breathe. Pet the dog, eat a snack, take a stretch, and repeat. 

 Step 5: Believe in the value of your work. It might help to track your work in a diary, spreadsheet, or Evernote list and share it with those who matter throughout the day.

 Step 6: Evaluate: At the end of the day, look back at what you did and how you did it. Compare that to the image you wanted to have. How’d you do? Make a note about what you’re proud of and what you might do differently tomorrow.

Then sign off, put your pj’s on, turn on Netflix, and eat some bonbons.

Want to learn more? Our Group Coaching Calls continue on Wednesday, April 29th

10 am CT - Team Members click here

11:30 am CT - Managers  click here

When you book a time, make sure to click the Add to Calendar link in your email confirmation.