We're Back!

Oops - Ward Certified had a glitch with our e-couragements but we’re back and ready to help!


What did we miss? Oh yeah, the Coronavirus meets Customer Care.

There is so much out of our control right now, let’s focus on what’s in and how you connect with customers and colleagues:


  • Wash your hands

  • Don’t touch your face

  • Put 6-feet between you and others and try a new handshake.

Click here for some of our favorite options

Over the phone

  • Use your active listening skills to let your callers vent and share their experience.  It will help them feel better.

  • Acknowledge their experience as true for them.  “It’s easy to feel that way right now, I hear you”

  • Reassure them that you and your company are there for them.

Through the screen

If you, like other companies, are starting to implement more work-from-home days - yay!  But don’t forget the water cooler conversations and camaraderie. Find a way to stay connected socially with your team; it’s a part of the work experience that inspires and motivates.

If your team is now working from home and you’d like to meet with your peers to discuss the challenges and learn some solutions, join me Wednesday for a FREE office hours session.

Choose the group that sounds most like you and click on the link to get your invitation.

RSVP on Calendly:
- Academic: https://calendly.com/awardcoach/office-hours-academic
- Professionals: https://calendly.com/awardcoach/office-hours-professionals
- Managers: https://calendly.com/awardcoach/office-hours-managers