They're with me...


Is your workflow or phone system bouncing clients around from department to department like a swanky New York nightclub?

Ugh, talk about frustrating. When possible, give your customer VIP access.

Before you hit that transfer button, ask these questions:

  • Is this something I can answer or manage behind the scenes? It may not be in your job description, but making a quick phone call or checking in with a supervisor could mean keeping your customers happy - and in one place.

  • Can I facilitate a meeting? If you have to transfer a customer to a new department, make it a three-way call and provide background, so the customer doesn’t have to repeat themselves.

  • Does someone new need to take over? Follow-up for your customer over and wait while they complete their transaction.

Staying with a customer through every step of a transaction can go far in making them feel well-taken care of.

How do you make your customers feel like VIPs?

Let us know at

News from our Network: We’ve got a new webinar to share with you! Resilience in a New Reality

By definition, psychological resilience is the ability to cope with crisis and return to pre-crisis quickly. It is the capacity to be robust under conditions of enormous stress and change.

This webinar workshop will provide the opportunity to develop this muscle and skill. You’ll learn about

  • The growth mindset 

  • The collaborative communication technique  

  • And have a renewed inspiration about the future 

If you’d like to learn more about our network partner Kery or this workshop, shoot me an email.