1/2 as much is twice as good
You’ve got a lot to say, but how much can your audience hear?
Hint: It’s not as much as you think.
As an expert preparing your presentation you do your research, write your talk track, practice, practice, practice, shower, and hit the stage or screen.
Hold on…
If you present what you’ve got, you might be wasting your brilliance and your breath.
Audiences today are busy and their brains are busy trying to process our current health and society challenges. Audiences need you to make your presentation easier to absorb.
Cut your content in half.
How? Review your presentation and uncover your one big idea. Write that in 10 words.
Now look at the rest of the deck and ask yourself 2 questions.
Do those slides amplify your idea or dilute it?
Are you sharing that information for you or for them?
Get into your audiences’ shoes (or slippers), say half as much and it will be twice as good.
If you’d like help reviewing your content so that you can present what matters, email me and we’ll chat.
Nuff said, Ann