Clear as Mud


If I asked you to draw a tree, what would you draw?

There’s probably a good chance the tree you drew was not exactly the tree I had in mind. Why?  Because I was too vague.

Let’s try this again. Draw a palm tree with six green palm leaves at the top, and a tall, strong, brown trunk.

Now we’re getting somewhere, right?

The same is true when you’re communicating change within your team. Be clear and specific about what, how, who and why the change is needed, and how your team can deliver.

How can you be more clear today?

Want more tips? Sign up for our Rock Star Ready 2019 Tour!

When you're happy and they know it

When there’s change, there’s also a lot of stuff happening that’s out of your control.  What can help is to focus on what you can control.
What’s that, you ask? Just that little ol’ thing that makes all the difference – your attitude

·      Before you walk into the office, set the tone for the day by putting on a happy face :)

·      When you share changes with your team, set the tone by being upbeat, positive, and enthusiastic.

·      When someone challenges the new process, set the tone by saying “thank you for your question/feedback” and then respond.

Smile and the world smiles with you. Frown and you’ll have plenty of company there, too! The choice is yours.

Smile, breathe, and rock on – you’ve got this!

P.S.- a great use for your leftover Halloween candy is using it to sweeten up change! When you see a team member do something well, give them a 100 grand - candy bar that is.

Have you heard? You can still sign up for our 2019 Rock Star Ready Tour!

(Em)power 'em up!

Power up.jpg

When we’re pushed outside of our comfort zone, or feel like we’re losing control, we tend to shrink back, become tentative or skeptical. Maybe we even scream and cry. While these may be natural reactions, it doesn’t inspire the team to follow or gain buy-in.

Instead of resisting change, take action and empower yourself:

·      Get the scoop. Ask your boss for more details and clarification about what’s changing.   

·      Make suggestions on how to make the change more successful.

·      Challenge yourself to be the first one to claim a success from the new process. 

Put on your cape, power up and lead!


The Times, They are a Changing...

Bob Dylan got it right.  With change coming faster than ever, it’s certainly not business as usual anymore. 

One of the most important tasks on your plate is communicating and managing change. If you’re not on board, your team won’t be either. Step one is to get ahead of the curve and be an advocate for change. It’s not going anywhere, so you might as well start getting comfortable with it.

Today, instead of bracing for change, make some small adjustments, and start embracing change. Try:

·      Brushing your teeth with the opposite hand

·      Parking in a different parking spot

·      Having lunch with someone in a different department

What did you do, and how did it feel?

And to Team Rue Insurance- thanks for getting Ward Cerified!

Let it go, let it go


If you find yourself stressed, while your team sits idle, you might be having a hard time relinquishing control and delegating responsibilities. 

An inability to let go of day-to-day tasks could be seen as a lack of trust in your employees or….dun, dun dunnnnn, micromanaging. Don’t worry! You can turn this around. 

Rather than taking over a task, ask a team member, “How would you handle this?” With a little guidance, your team will grow professionally, gain new skills, and experience long-term success. You know, the whole, “teach a man to fish…” adage?


Thank you, and you, and you...


Create an opportunity for team members to recognize and thank each other in an email, morning huddle or on a bulletin board. A chance to publicly share kudos, plus more collaboration? Everyone wins.

We’d love to hear how you’ve done this with your team.  Was it verbal or written?  Did you give one person the floor, or go around the room and ask everyone to share?

Drop us a note at ann@wardcertified- Sharing is caring. 

Leading your team to lead


Organization tips, shortcuts, party tricks. Everyone on your team has something valuable to share.  Tap into their different skills and talents to build a stronger, well-rounded team.

  • Pay attention to your team and discover where they shine and where they shrink. Then…
  • Encourage employees to lead, teach and learn from each other:
    “Linda, you’ve got great organizational skills; I’d like you to run the meeting tomorrow”
    “Greg, you mastered the new software. I’d like you to share some tips with the team at the meeting tomorrow."

This lets the team know you are willing to share the stage, and that you notice what people are doing well.