News from HQ

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Most managers who attend our Customer Service workshops ask for help to keep the learning alive. I created Coaching Catch-ups to help you help them- and to help your customers have better days.

I’ve written, re-written, proofed (well, not always) hundreds of these quick reminder emails and based on comments, you’re reading them and using them. Thank you!

Time to pivot.

I’m now focusing solely on helping people present their ideas online and on stage.

If you’re working on your presentation skills or an upcoming presentation, sign up to learn about coaching options.

If your team is preparing for an event, conference, or even QBR’s, ask me about group coaching or a webinar.

If you need a little help and have a specific concern, go to the Crowd Pleasers tab and search for the thing you’d like help with.

Thank you for reading and to those of you who sent reactions over the years, thanks for replying.

Now more than ever it’s important to Smile. Breathe. Rock On!