Unstable Connections

your connection was interrupted 1.png

You know that message you get on the really important Zoom calls- the one that says, “Your connection was interrupted”. When you find yourself yelling back at the computer, “My whole life has been interrupted!”

Yeah, we hear you.

For a more stable internet connection…

Try these tips:

  1. Move closer to your WiFi router

  2. Limit devices on your network 

    1. turn off your other devices (phone, tablet, Xbox, Smart TV, etc)

    2. disconnect them from WiFi

    3. Unplug anything hanging out in a charger

  3. Plug it in, choose an ethernet cable when possible

  4. Turn off Alexa so she doesn’t pop up and offer to help

For a more stable human connection…

Have at least one real conversation this week. You might not feel like it when you’re dialing, but chances are there will be some smiles and laughter and you will leave with a better mindset.

Another great way to connect is to join us today on one of our free group coaching calls.

Wednesday, April 1st

10 am CT - Team Members click here

12 pm CT - Managers  click here