People over Productivity

As managers, we’re wired to measure success in numbers.  But right now, those metrics might not look so good. We’re a nation distracted by the news and the new remote workplace.

What’s a Manager to do?

It will do you and your team good to switch your focus from numbers to people for now. 

  • Try a phone call that starts with “How are you?” and really listen.

  • Resist the urge to multi-task, these are the conversations that really matter.

Tip: Turn away from the computer to listen. In fact, it’s a good chance to stand up and walk around while you chat.

  • Don’t worry about having all the answers. Focus instead on listening, acknowledging and helping them set new realistic expectations for their day.

We’re hosting more free, open coaching calls today at 10 am CT and 12 pm CT. Follow the links if you’d like to chat!