What they see is what they hear

Copyright: 123rf

Copyright: 123rf

Stop! Did you hear what you just said? Not with your words, silly. But with your body language.

As a leader, you will be more effective if you convey a non-verbal message that matches what you say.  That means checking your body language when you are about to offer feedback, run a meeting, or ask for their input.

Here's your 6-point checklist:

  • Head - holding your head straight up means confidence, tilted means listening
  • Eyes - look at individuals in the triangle of their face: eyes up to forehead
  • Smile - please do!  (Unless it's bad news, then be authentically concerned)
  • Shoulders - down and relaxed sends a confident, calm message
  • Hands - no crossed arms please!  Open arms is more collaborative
  • Feet - stop walking and turn toward your audience

This week, right before you talk to one person or the whole group, take a moment and do the 6-point body-check.

And then check out our Program of the Month: Presenting with Impact.