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Always a hot topic.

Motivation comes from within, and is based on these three needs:

  • Autonomy
  • Relatedness
  • Competence

    How can you apply these to your team?

Autonomy: When people feel like they are in charge, they’re more motivated.  So next time you assign a project, frame the information or situation in a way that gives them control.

Relatedness: When talking to team members about goals, projects and tasks, share how it helps them, the team, the company, the client and/or the world.

Competence: People feel best when they are learning and growing. Even learning unrelated to work can improve on-the-job performance. Encourage team members to follow a passion they have: salsa dancing, guitar lessons, cooking classes or even CrossFit.

More time spent on communicating the work can save time on the work.

Want to know more? Watch Dan Pink's video on Drive.