Who's Talking to Your Customers?

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While working in Boston last week, Karen and I made a pit stop at Wegmans and we were impressed! A little research led us to their secret - their dedication to their people.

In an article titled, The Anti-Walmart: The Secret Sauce of Wegmans Is People, it is clear that treating people the way you want your customers to be treated really works.

Consider these World Class Companies:

  • At Wegmans, cashiers don't interact with customers until they have completed 40 hours of training. 
  • Employees at Zappos complete an intensive 4-week training program.
  • When I worked at Walt Disney World, in the College Program, I had to complete an additional day of Disney training every time I took on a new role.

What's my point?  

World Class Service doesn't just happen.  Give your team training to show them you care and to teach them what excellence should look and sound like. 

Looking for some WILD customer service training, check out the Customer Service Safari.