Mind the Gap

Ah millennials... seems everyone is excited, interested or concerned about how to manage this new group of people in the workplace.  

The good news is, we've got a terrific course that offers insight into who they are, what they need and how to manage them.  Ask us about Mind the Gap:  Managing Millennials.

In the meantime here's a tip.

Think "train and transfer" rather than "sink or swim."

If you are a Baby Boomer, you grew up having to jockey for position with everything you did. Chances are, you thrive on competition and the 'sink or swim' model worked for you when you were new.

But consider this.  

Millennials grew up in a collaborative environment with rewards and recognition for their achievements.  Sink or swim will be demotivating to them and frustrating for you.

And, the largest book store isn't a store (Amazon), the largest hotelier doesn't have any hotels (Airbnb), and the largest taxi company doesn't own any taxis (Uber). We're in the knowledge economy.  Our jobs are more complex. 

So, train and transfer.

'Train and transfer' means taking that task you want them to complete, breaking it down into smaller pieces and giving them opportunities to shine bit by bit.  When they master one chunk of the task, they will feel more confident and you will see their value.  

That's a win-win.