The Case Against Multi-Tasking

December is the busiest month of the year - shopping, travel, family and work gatherings, you name it.  Multi-tasking does not even begin to describe it.

Is multi-tasking the norm in your office?  Do you encourage it? 

Glenn Wilson of the University of London says trying to perform just two simple tasks while sitting at your desk, such as texting and writing an email, could take 10 points off your IQ! 

How bad could 10 points be? 

Some of us can’t afford to lose the 10 points, in fact, it's the equivalent to losing one night’s sleep, or as Peter Bregman of The Harvard Business Review put it, “twice the equivalent of smoking marijuana."

Now ask yourself, "who on my team has an IQ that would be better if we lowered it by 10 points?"

Maybe multi-tasking isn't the best norm.