A Holiday bonus... feedback

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Studies have shown that employees, especially those in the younger generations, love frequent feedback. But did you know this focus on feedback is good for the entire company?

Increased feedback and recognition can hold complacency at bay and raise creativity levels.

Not to mention it’s a lot cheaper than giving everyone a gift card.

So this year, give them an extra bonus- bonus feedback.

Happy Holidays from Team Ward Certified!

Coach life, not just work


When life throws one of your employees a curve ball, as a manager, it’s in your best interest to help them feel safe, heard and supported.  

·      Be there. Even if you avoid feelings and emotions like the touchy-feely plague, don’t avoid the situation, which could just make matters worse.

·      Just listen. Period. Sometimes that’s all they need.

Ask open-ended questions. Aim for “How are you?” vs. yes-no questions like “Is everything OK at home?”

Smile. Breathe. Rock on. You both got this.

Naughty or Nice?


It’s said you don’t really know someone until you’ve seen them use a computer with a slow Internet connection.

How do you deal with situations that are out of your control?

If you feel yourself going off the rails, identify one thing you can control.

  • Take a deep breath

  • Pop a squat

  • Focus on another task then return to the original

Your reaction is in your control, and that has the power to influence the mood of your team and entire day in a naughty or nice way… . Choose nice :-)

What drives them?

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Sure, you’re leading the way, but if you don’t know what’s driving your team, you might be heading in the wrong direction. Here’s some help to navigate individual and team success.

Start observing and listening to your employees to find out. Then pick tasks that match that drive.  For example:

  • If they enjoy a challenge or get bored with routine, give them more responsibility, or provide an opportunity for them to lead a team or project.

  • Do they just want to have fun or some flexibility? Let them plan an off-site lunch, schedule a casual dress-day, or, deep breath, here we go, I’m gonna say it…let them go home early!

  • Publicly recognize those who crave validation and to feel valued. Find opportunities to share achievements within the team, with upper management, and even in the company newsletter.

  • If they enjoy time to sink into a task and be analytical, give them a project that requires some research and investigation, and let them put their phone on DND (do not disturb) for a set amount of time.

And you? What do you need?  Don’t forget to let the team know what drives you.



Lighten your load

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Look at your to-do list today. Putting too much on your plate, feeling overwhelmed, and not asking for help is never a good look. Lighten your load, save some time, and pick two items (or more!) that can be delegated to a member of your team.

Yea, we know delegation isn’t easy.  If you’d like to learn how to delegate well ask us about our “Delegation: Getting Work Done Through Others” webinar.  It’s a goodie!

In the meantime, start identifying tasks that are delegatable (that’s a Ward Certified word, I think).

It’s not too late! Sign up for our Rock Star Ready 2019 Tour!

Kick that stinkin' thinkin'

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From gridlock Thanksgiving Day traffic to spilled coffee, we’ve all been there. It’s that single bad event that snowballs into a negative attitude all day, and suddenly your co-workers & team members are hiding from you. Did you just sprout fangs?  

Save yourself and those around you, and kick that stinkin’ thinkin’

·      “I’m going to eat turkey soon and nothing can ruin my day!” When your thoughts start going south, choose a go-to mantra that’s fun and will bring perspective to the situation.

·      Go back to 3rd grade gym class and give yourself a do-over. Acknowledge it happened, start over, and move on!

So unlike 3rd grade gym class, you won’t sling a dodge ball at anyone’s face, however tempting it might be.

Happy Thanksgiving from Team Ward Certified! 

We want to hear from you! Share your go-to mantras with us at ann@wardcertified.com.

Want more tips? Sign up for our Rock Star Ready 2019 tour!

Short-term goals = Long-term results


Imagine the goal you have for the change initiative you’re implementing. For example:

By this time next year everyone will be using the new CRM with ease, and all of our client data will be entered and referenced daily.” 

It’s a great goal, so why is your team struggling?

Because change is hard, adoption of a new process is slow, and learning how to use a new system is frustrating. All of which is clouding your team’s ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Help them see the light by shining a spotlight on short-term, realistic, and measurable goals and objectives, like these:

  • By the end of the month, you will each be able to enter a new client into the CRM in under 3 minutes.

  • By the end of this week, each person will have one new system shortcut to share at the team meeting.

  • We will have 45% of our clients entered into the new CRM by the end of November.

Bonus points if you can incorporate a way to celebrate or deliver positive feedback when they’ve met these goals. What goals will you create?

Don’t forget to sign up for our Rock Star Ready 2019 Tour!