
I like to move it, move it...

The mind follows the body and the body follows the mind.

When people sit still, they lose the will.

I came across these words earlier this week and thought about how relevant they are to managing and customer service.  

In customer service we talk about how important our tone of voice is over phone and that we have control over our tone of voice. One of the best ways to ensure you sound upbeat, professional and confident is to change your body language.  Sit or stand tall, smile, move etc.    The voice also follows the body.

Participants in management sessions often ask about motivating people.  Motivation is internal.  What you can do is create an environment that inspires. Look for ways to create a sense of purpose, enthusiasm and urgency. When people sit still, they lose the will.

http://youtu.be/ecSCaZ_XPlo   (Dare you not to move it!)

What do you do to keep your team moving to that they have the ‘will’ to do their job well?