Power 10


Remember before? Yes, before, when we worked in the office? We would run- or dial- into our next meeting immediately after we finished up the last one. 

Are you still doing that? Meanwhile, now there are people, pets, and chores knocking on your door, looking for attention. This combination of meetings and personal needs have us stretching like a rubber band: We need to take the tension off once in a while or else we'll snap.

We're in a new world. We're flexing, pivoting, and creating new habits. Let's change this back-to-back meeting habit.   

Schedule 50-minute meetings vs. an hour. 

What could do you with 10 minutes between meetings?

  • Check-in with the kids

  • Make healthy snack vs grab out of the pantry-snack 

  • Pop a squat

  • Look out the window 

Take back your power 10 and let me what you do with your extra time.