Motivate Me

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If you’re like me you’re riding the waves of motivation.  Sometimes you’re surfing high, feeling great and smiling, the next you’re down and about to hit the wall.

Q: How are you supposed to manage the team?  If you’re not motivated, how can you motivate your team? 

A: Take care of yourself first.

Try one or more of these:

  • Breathe, deep belly breathing.  Breathe out longer than your breathe in.  Check out Calm or Headspace for some help.

  • Do something nice for someone else.  Take some food to the foodbank, buy giftcards for a small business in your area, or support your local zoo.

  • Exercise, eat something healthy, and get some sleep. 

  • Think of 3 things you are grateful for, write it down, or tell someone.

 You might be saying, “Ann, these sound hokey.”  I’d like to remind you that we’ve been focusing on metrics and logic, and that’s not working. So give these a try- it’s time to do the hokey pokey and turn your mindset all around!

Feel free to join us again for a free coaching call or pass this along to someone else you think might be interested. Remember:

· Log-in, turn on your camera (we need to see faces, beards, backgrounds and bad hair days)

· Type your challenge or concern into Chat

· NEW! Our meetings will require a password, which will be listed in the invite.

I’ll give you insights and practices to take back and use right away.

Wednesday, April 15th

10 am CT - Team Members click here

12 pm CT - Managers  click here