Where's my Easy Button?

“Continue watching?”

“Add guac’?”

Some choices are easy.

As a leader, some choices are harder, like “who’s getting this promotion?”. It’s natural to feel guilty, second-guess your decision, or spiral into overthinking. While you can’t make everyone happy, the way you communicate and live with your choices is how managers become leaders.

  • Take responsibility. This was a tough decision. After much thought and consideration, I’ve decided to give our additional budget to operations rather than marketing.”

  • Be honest. “The circumstances were difficult, but I decided to take this route. I hope the outcome is positive, but we may need to revisit it later.”

  • Admit a misstep.I had to make a choice; sometimes they’re good, sometimes they’re not. Let’s learn from this and move forward together.”

One of the easiest decisions you’ll ever make? Sharpening your leadership skills with Ward Certified. Contact us to learn more about one of our classes.