Stress Hack

Are you stressed?  Probably. 

Bad weather, politics, traffic, a new boss, life changes or just running out of coffee beans - whatever the reason, chances are you are dealing with pressure. And pressure turns into stress.

Is it inevitable?  No.

Pressure is pressure, which is out of your control. What is in your control is how you deal with it. Here’s the good news: you’ve done it before.

Step 1: Make a list of 3-5 stressful events that have happened in your life. 

Step 2: Take note of what you did (that was in your control) to solve the problem.

Step 3: Store that success strategy in your brain. (Did you write about it, laugh about it, analyze it, create an excel spreadsheet plan for it, or call a friend? How did you move on?)

Step 4: When stress happens and you feel your pulse begin to race and your breathing quicken, remind yourself how you moved forward last time. Do that.  

Make that strategy your new habit. With practice, you can change your response to stress and pressure.

Respond, don’t react.