Celebrate good times, Come On!

It’s not just a fun song, it’s a good idea if you are trying to engage Millennials in your workplace.

But celebrating means different things to different generations.  Try these ideas to bridge the gap.

Celebrate Performance – Reward Baby Boomers with title changes and raises.  Reward Millennials with feedback, swag and gift cards.

Mentorship Programs – Tap into Boomers’ wealth of experience, let them share their knowledge as a way to pass along advice to those who are just starting out. Feeling valued for their knowledge is motivational.  Tap into Millennials’ desire to learn and share their tech, social, global savvy.  Making projects move faster is rewarding.

Smaller Teams – Less people = greater productivity = more value and more recognition.

Challenging Assignments – Baby Boomers thrive on challenges, and clear goals.  Millennials thrive on collaboration, and efficiency.  Give Boomers the tough stuff that calls upon their vast wealth of experience and knowledge and pair them with the Millennials who can offer a new perspective.

The first project might be deciding on what and when to celebrate in the office!

Kool and the gang had it right…

There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you…