Make the most of your meetings...

Many of you are implementing regular meetings in your departments.  That's terrific!

Here are 3 tips to help you succeed as you build your reputation as an efficient meeting manager:

1.  Start on time.  Get to the room early, be prepared and start at the planned time.  Waiting for stragglers sets a bad precedent.

2.  Share the objective for the meeting with everyone, in advance.  Confirm the objective again in person and add a 'WIIFM' - a what’s in it for me statement that adds value for everyone attending.  For example, it could be simplifying the work process or helping them meet goals and earn possible bonuses.

3.  Finish early.  Keep the group focused and if you finish early, let them leave early.  It will help ensure attendance and focus at your next meeting.

Tip:  If you can’t identify a clear objective (#2) – don’t have a meeting!